What would you do if you didn’t have internet?
If I didn’t
have the Internet, my life would be a little normal like the rest of the days, because
I don’t consider myself to be addicted to technology, for example, cell phones
and social media, of course. if the Internet didn’t exist I would have
difficulties adapting to a new life, because I am on the Internet a lot of time
watching videos, sometimes researching information about my interests or using
it when I don’t know the meaning of words in English, and also when I listen to
music, so if the internet wouldn’t be I
would be worried to how I would look for information and how I would listen to
music because the internet is fast and I don’t like to think about I would have
to look for in books,and I know that because a lot of people said that they had
looked for in books, although, I would
be calm, I wouldn’t watching tr ash in YouTube or TikTok and also I wouldn’t have
a lot of stress or make comparisons, because when you watch social media or
videos could affect you in the future with your mental health.
So, I think
in my case didn’t affect a lot in my life, but yes it would change the form I